4040 Profile system for construction
Series of large strong profiles and accessories that fit together. All parts has a 8mm slot / track that fits together.
Products in the category
Serie 40 - Profile - 4040
Standard profiles in 4040, with basis dimensions 40 x 40mm and 8mm slot. The profiles are an extra thick model.
Serie 40 - Profile - 4080
Extra strong double-width series 40 profile with 8mm slot, that can be used as a basis frame in a larger constructon.
Serie 40 - Profile - 1640
Alu profile in series 40, with 16mm height and one 8mm slot. Can be used for lids and other purposes, that only require one track.
Serie 40 - Euro-profile - 4040
Standard 4040 profile with 8mm slot. The profile is produced in EU. Compatible with our 4040 accessories.
Serie 40 - Corner joint
Smart corner-joint that is used for screwing two or three profiles together in a corner, eg. in a box. Covers for the holes included.
Serie 40 - Angle Bracket
A bracket for connecting to profiles of 90 degrees. It is made of a solid aluminum.
Serie 40 - Large angle bracket
Extra large brackets in cast aluminium that gives you extra stiffness compared to standard bracket. Mounted with 4 bolts.
Serie 40 - Angled brackets
Solid brackets in aluminium that are angeled on 45 and 135 degress. Used for triangles and octagons.
Serie 40 - Flat bracket, 6mm
Extra strong brackets for 4040 profiles, milled out of 6mm aluminium, that is anodised. The holes fit M8 bolts.
Serie 40 - Flat bracket
Flat brackets in painted metal for outside joints of profiles. L and T-brackets available. M8 holes.
Serie 40 - Flat bracket - Rotatable
Smart 6mm brackets, that are rotatable 45 or 90 degrees. They can be used for fixed, adjustable, and movable joints.
Uni Vesa bracket - anodized
Standard Vesa monitor bracket in solid anodized aluminum. Can be mounted directly on profiles, on bracket and arms.
Serie 40 - T-nut, self-locking
Nut that fits in to series-40 profiles, where after you can put in a bolt. This nut turns itself in to position when tightened,
Serie 40 - T-nut with lock-spring
T-nut that can be pushed in to the tracks on series 40 profiles. The spring avoids it gliding and falling out again.
Serie 40 - T-nut, gliding
A nut that is pushed in to the end of a 40-series profile, where after it can be pushed in place. M3, M4, M5, M6 or M8 thread.
Serie 40 - Hammer Bolt
A hammer-bolt with M8 thread that fits in to Series 40 profiles. Used for easy mounting to the profile.
Serie 30/40 - Folding table / shelf bracket
Compact bracket that is unfolded and locks itself at 90 degrees, A push on the handle and it can be folded back again.
Series 40 - Lift Hinge with Single Hole
Two-piece hinge for removable doors. Left/right models. Easy M6 bolt installation. Made of nylon with a metal axle.
Serie 40 - Roller element (80x40x18)
Smart roller-element module that is clicked on to a series 40 profile. Can be used for building gliding tracks or similar.
Drawer rail, galvanized steel, 20kg
3 section drawer rail with ball bearings, and full extension. It can carry up to 20kg (pair). Easy to mount as the last section can be disconnected.
Heavy duty drawer rail, galvanized steel, 120kg
Extra strong drawer rail with bearings, and full extension. The drawer can carry 120kg in pairs. Easy to mount, as the last section can disconnect.
Serie 30 & 40 - Transport-wheel
Wheel with or without lock-pedal. Can be used for movable tables and other objects that should be easy to move.
Serie 40 - Center plate for 4080
Strong plate that is bolted on to the end of 4080 profilesm where there is M12 thread in the middle, eg. for legs and wheels.
Serie 30 & 40 - Foot with threaded rod - Ø80
Strong and wide tiltable foot with threaded rod, with M8, M10 or M12 thread. Intended for system profiles, but is universal
Serie 40 - Endcap
End-caps for Series 40 profiles. Simply pushed in to the end of the profiles, where after the sharp edges are covered.
Serie 30 & 40 - Slot cover
Cover for closing the tracks in series 30 and 40 profiles. Give a nice finish and avoids dust and dirt in the tracks.
Serie 30 & 40 - Plate holding strip
A plastic profile / seal that fits in series 30 and 40 profiles. It can hold a 5mm plate inside the slot.
Excentric clamp lock / cam lever
Cam lever with threaded bolt, that can be used to fasten / lock parts. Easy to release when setup has to be changed.
Wing knob
Wing grip with M6 or M8 thread. The grip can be used for fastening profiles, brackets, arms etc.
Handle in black plastic
Black nylon handle that can be used for doors and lids. M6 fits series 20 and 30, M8 fits 30 and 40 profiles
Locking handle / revolving handle
Handle with thread, that is often used in a joint where there is often need to loosen and fasten a joint. M6 and M8 thread.
Uni Vesa bracket - anodized
Standard Vesa monitor bracket in solid anodized aluminum. Can be mounted directly on profiles, on bracket and arms.
Serie 40 - Cable holder with clamps
Holder with clamps for fastening cables, hoses and similar to series 40 profiles. Model for M4 bolt, and self-locking model available.
Magnet - Countersunk hole
Magnets that can be fastened with countersunk bolts. The countersunk hole gives you a flush surface after mounting.