Serie 40 - Profile - 1640

    Alu profile in series 40, with 16mm height and one 8mm slot. Can be used for lids and other purposes, that only require one track.

    The profile is almost massive, with only the track and 2 holes in the sides. It can still be cut with a circular or band saw. You can cut threads in the holes.


    Alu profile in series 40, with 16mm height and one 8mm slot. Can be used for lids and other purposes, that only require one track.

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    Serie 40 - T-nut with lock-spring

    T-nut that can be pushed in to the tracks on series 40 profiles. The spring avoids it gliding and falling out again.

    DKK 4,00


    Title Size Description
    DXF profile drawing 50.91 KB Can be used for CAD programs

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