Mi-Light RGB+CCT controller 12V/24V

    Color control system for 12V and 24V that can adjust both color and colortemperature - both RGB, warm white and cold white light. This means that the controller and the remote can control up to 5 color channels at the same time. Said in another way, you can control color, brightness, saturation and color temperature!


    The controller is controller wireless (2.4Ghz) from a remote. Each controller works as a repeater, which allows you to handle many controllers over a long distance, as long as they are in contact with each other. The controller also synconize effects automatically, so that they follow each other.

    • Five color channels with 1 output each (5 x 6A)
    • Max 15A

    There are screw terminals on all inputs and outputs, as well as a DC plug on the input, if your power supply has this (5.5 x 2.1mm)

    Color controller for 12V and 24V. that can adjust both RGB color and color temperature of the white light, and mix both!

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