LED stalk marker for 12V
LED stalker lamps for your car and trailer, and special insert for converting existing incandescent bulb to LED.
Products in the category
Long LED Stalker Lamp
A sturdy long stalker lamp with a flexible arm, designer for hard use on work vechicles. ECE-approved and a 5-years waranty, 12V and 24V.
Short LED Stalker Lamp
LED stalker lamp in flexible rubber base. Designed for hard use on work vehicles. ECE-approved and a 5-years waranty. 12V and 24V.
Horpol LED NEON marker light cold white/red - 12V-24V
LED marker lights by Horpol in white/red with NEON-look, so that you do not see the individual LEDs, but gives a diffused light.
Horpol LED NEON marker light cold yellow/red - 12V-24V
LED marker lights by Horpol in yellow / red with NEON-look, so that you do not see the individual LEDs, but gives a diffused light.
Horpol LED NEON marker light yellow - 12V-24V
LED marker lights by Horpol in yellow with NEON-look, so that you do not see the individual LEDs, but gives a diffused light.
Horpol LED marker light with reversing-sensor - 12V-24V
LED marker-lamps by Horpol with built-in yellow marker-light and reversing-sensor, that flashes faster and faster as you approach an object.
Mini stalker lamp, red and white, 12V-24V
Elegant compact stalker lamp, that has white light in one direction and red in the other. Easy to mount and optional bracket.
WAS mini stalker lamp 12V-24V
Elegant compact stalker lamp by WAS, that has a white light in one direction and red in the other. With or without side marker-light.

Gylle marker light parts
Gylle's marker lights parts - LED units, rubber bases, and glasses in different designs.
LED Wobble Lamp Effort 12V
It is used for converting stalk markers with incandescent bulbs to LED. Available in Yellow/Red and White/Red.